Daniel Yomtobian

Daniel Yomtobian - Online Stride

Daniel Yomtobian was self-motivated to make advancements in the supermarket industry; he was also enthusiastic about creating a place for himself in the World Wide Web. He spent most of his time working at his job, taking business courses at a local University, and beginning his initial experimentation on creating and designing websites.

Daniel Yomtobian initially began web designing for smaller diverse companies. After he sharpened his computer skills he entered into the spree of buying and selling dictionary-based domain names. Shortly thereafter, he co-founded an online media and advertising company called WayInternet.

He simultaneously co-founded the search engine 'Findology', and then sold his share of the company a year later.


The launch of ABCSearch brought about acknowledgement and praise due to its imaginative and innovative concept. From its inception in 2001, ABCSearch has been continuing to receive accolades and recognition. ABCSearch is one of the world's top providers of cost-per-click searches on the Internet and has received acknowledgment and regard in the online advertising industry.

Daniel Yomtobian
Daniel Yomtobian Early Start
Daniel Yomtobian Online Stride
Daniel Yomtobian Winning Strategy
Daniel Yomtobian Business Fame
Daniel Yomtobian - The Road Ahead